so ii wanted to start a fashion blog; not the regular kind that provides the latest fashion information and pictures - but one that records & shares my relationship with fashion. the kind of fashion that might not always be in this season, but that, in my opinion, never goes out of style. fashion should be a statement; show some individuality, personality and emotion; hold memories within the fabric - not become ugly in somebodys opinion after a couple months and get thrown away because it's 'so last season'.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

beauty lesson 101

so over the weekend ii tried this new concept of 'not looking like an emo band reject'. after (finally) realizing that all the clothes belonging tu me, hangin on the washing line... were black; and when i'm looking around a shop everythin ii see that ii like ii think 'well i'd buy that if it were black or white', or ii consider buyin things from the mens section. ii even have some tee's that are size 14-18, when i'm size 8. ii think i'm due a visit from Gok Wan soon. also someone mentioned something about the fact that ii don't own a dress (other than the shortest BLACKest dress ever, that sits in the back of my wardrobe).
ii find it quite sad that i'm not a very feminine girl. as this always has been considered the most beautiful kind of look. of course i'm not masculine either. but ever since my mum stopped dressing me, it's been faded jeans with holes in the knees and trainers and hoodies, then moving on tu black from head tu toe, and half of Superdrug's eyeliner. ii own two pairs of shoes that ii actually wear: both Converse's. *alarm bells*.
Sunday morning: digging tu the depths of my wardrobe tu discover a long-discarded plain pink tee, white skirt, white cardigan, pink eyeshadow & lipgloss, nil trace of eyeliner... my mum was thrilled at my 'new look', of course. as soon as ii looked in the mirror ii told her it wasn't staying. at least ii tried & tested it. and technically it did stay, for a whole 24 hours.
beauty isn't always about looking your best. it's just about being youu. even if your not natural-looking - like i'm certainly not - as long as your comfortable with yourself that's all that matters. no matter what youu look like or how 'ugly' youu make yourself look, you'll always be beautiful tu somebody, because it's your personality that people see written all over your face. beauty comes from within & shows on the outside.

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